Nicole williams

Nicole Williams

Nicole Williams has been home educating her three children using Charlotte Mason’s principles and methods for 15 years. She also taught four of her adopted siblings from middle school through graduation.

Watching the feast of life-giving ideas restore her sibling’s innate love of learning inspired her to dig deeper into Mason’s philosophy of education and then to share her experiences with others. She does that now by co-hosting the podcast A Delectable Education, writing at Sabbath Mood Homeschool, and teaching workshops.

She is the author of Living Science Study Guides, where she helps families and schools implement Charlotte Mason’s particular way of teaching science. When she is not studying Charlotte Mason’s writings, sharing what she has learned, and homeschooling her own children, Nicole enjoys hiking, watercolor painting, collecting living books, and, of course, reading a good book.

2323 Conference

Unrecognized Beauty: Developing Eyes to See

Most people appreciate being surrounded by beautiful things. However, have you considered why the inclusion of beauty in your own and your children’s lives is so important? Miss. Mason said, “It is no small part of education to have seen much beauty, to recognize it when we see it, and to keep ourselves humble in its presence.” Together we will consider the significance of beauty in our children’s lives, how they learn to discern and recognize beauty, and how that leads them to a full life.

2021 Fall Retreat

Science: A Vast and Joyous Realm

Charlotte Mason says, “Books dealing with science as with history, say, should be of a literary character,” (A Philosophy of Education, p. 218), but how does reading living books for science prepare your child for life or possible university courses? Join Nicole to discover how Miss Mason’s method for teaching science transitions seamlessly from the observational science of nature study to the experimental science they need in the upper levels of school. Also, learn how her philosophy fosters wonder and admiration of the natural world and prepares them to be scientifically literate citizens. 

2021 Conference

A Short Synopsis of CM’s Philosophy (a.k.a The 20 Principles)

In the preface of Charlotte Mason’s books on education, you will find a Short Synopsis” of her philosophy. When speaking of the first point therein, Charlotte Mason said, “‘Children are born persons,’ is the first article of the educational credo in question.” (6/29) A credo or creed is a statement of the beliefs or aims which guide someone’s actions. Many religious traditions have creeds — a statement of their religious beliefs. Knowing the goal or the big picture helps us understand how to live rightly and make the small decisions that carry us through life. Charlotte Mason’s short synopsis is our educational creed, one that clarifies our beliefs and aims and guides our actions. 
From toddlerhood to the day of graduation, it provides principles for understanding who the child is, what our role is in raising and teaching him, and what responsibilities we each have. In some cases, it provides direction for where to begin, such as that we must secure the child’s attention, cultivate obedience, and offer a broad feast. In other cases, it presents a boundary, reminding us where we must not tread, such as not overstepping our authority, or allowing a second reading, or wearying the child through questioning, summarising, and the like. But always, it gives room for personality and individualism. 
In her article, “A Few Roots,” Helen Wix noted, “It is a wonderful summary worth reading, again and again, to get one’s work-worn vision cleared.” Homeschooling is hard work, and we must keep our head down and press forward most of the time. But sometimes, we look up and find that we have inadvertently veered off the path a little. Reading the synopsis helps keep our vision for educating our children clear and helps us stay on the course. 
Join Nicole to take a closer look at Charlotte Mason’s short synopsis. At the very least, you will learn whether a CM education is right for you and if so, you will understand what it means to adopt her educational credo for your own family.

2020 Conference

Charlotte Mason Through High School

Charlotte Mason developed her educational method for all students, but many parents think they must abandon her method once their students reach high school. In this workshop, we will discuss why this is far from true. In particular, we will consider what high school will look like if you follow Miss Mason’s approach, what subjects are tackled, the rigor of the program of work, and how to deal with high school transcripts, college applications, and entrance exams. Will your child be prepared to succeed in a non-Charlotte Mason environment? Join Nicole to find out.

Vendor Hall

Charlotte Mason’s goal for school science was to instill a sense of wonder and awe in students and to provide them with the common information that allows for scientific literacy.

Books must be selected carefully, and relevant experiments included. Many parents see the importance of this goal. However, they may not have the time to put together a living science curriculum for their children, or they do not know where to begin.

By using Sabbath Mood Homeschool’s Living Science Curriculum, you will feel confident that your children are feasting on the kind of living science education Charlotte Mason intended: a curriculum that promotes wonder and admiration while preparing them to be scientifically literate citizens.

Featured Products

Astronomy Study Guide: Form 2 (grades 4-6)


Sabbath Mood Homeschool’s Form 2 Living Science Guides (grades 4-6,) include everything you will need for a robust study of science at the elementary level.

Each includes: reading assignments, activities and experiments based on the reading, narration and discussion prompts, object lesson and nature study prompts, suggested nature lore and leisure reading, recommended supplemental books, videos, and articles, and exam questions. Start your students off right, with wonder and a fascination for the created world.

HS Physics: Part 1


Sabbath Mood Homeschool’s Forms 3-6 Living Science Guides (grades 7-12,) provide a rigorous curriculum that will prepare your student to become scientifically literate citizens. For some, that may mean pursuing a science career. Still, all must become scientifically literate enough to vote and make good decisions for their future families. And yet, this curriculum will inspire awe and wonder because we must not cause our children to “hate science” as a subject. The laws of science are God’s creation, just as the flowers on the apple tree are His creation.

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