Leah Boden

Leah Boden

Leah Boden is wife to Dave, mother to four children, and a longtime home educator. With over two decades of experience in church leadership, Leah’s background also features many years in youth, children’s, and family work within the church and for the local education authority. Leah speaks, hosts podcasts and coaching sessions, and runs The Collective Membership sharing the beauty of a  Charlotte Mason approach to childhood, motherhood, and education. 

Leah is the author of Modern Miss Mason. She and her family live in the West Midlands, England.

2022 Conference

The Power of Visual Memorisation 

How to teach effective, lasting concepts in a simple way.

2022 Conference

The Fresh Face of an Age-Old Perspective

The Charlotte Mason philosophy is not frozen in time; it wasn’t cemented in place on January 16th, 1923 when Charlotte died, if anything a new way began. In this session we’ll explore 5 fresh faced approaches to this age-old perspective of education that will breathe life into how you view childhood, motherhood, and education. Let’s dig deep into the methods and renovate our application of them in our unique homes and situations. There’s no “one way”; freedom is yours for the taking. Let’s get on this liberating educational path together.

2021 Conference

Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants

Do you really know who Charlotte Mason was, what she built and why her work is so important today? This workshop will be part biographical, part personal stories and mostly inspirational as why we are the ones to honour the heritage, yet herald the future of Charlotte Mason’s ideas around childhood, motherhood & education.

2020 Conference

Poetry & Plays

The Charlotte Mason guide to bringing language alive. Exploring the purpose and power behind using living literature in the form of poetry and plays (particularly Shakespeare) to cultivate delight and bring language to life!

Modern Miss Mason. Coaching, Courses, and Community to further the work and practice of Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy. Here’s where you find your freedom within the philosophy.

Featured Products

The Collective


The Collective is the Modern Miss Mason Members forum created for mothers, home educators, and creators.

The Collective holds open a door to a spacious place where you and I can learn, be inspired, and grow – together.

As a member of The Collective you’ll automatically receive a sign in for our Charlotte Mason Unboxed Course, a years worth of workshops from 2022, and the audio experience from The Modern Miss Mason Conference 2022.

PLUS monthly workshops, a place to write, a book club, and a group coaching session as part of The Collective Community.

Modern Miss Mason


Discover How Charlotte Mason’s Revolutionary Ideas on Home Education Can Change How You & Your Children Learn & Grow Together.

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